Saturday, June 27, 2009

I want to run away from home...or just take a nap

Why haven't I been blogging lately? A sick 8 month old and a demon possessed 4 yr old. Here is a reply to another mom's blog about tips to deal with a 4 yr old "tantrumer". I found this info after deciding to google the subject before having a tantrum of my own. If I don't get my 1st gray hair after this week, I'll be surprised. Who am I kidding, I probably already have them, they're just covered up with low-lights and high-lights...which reminds me, I need to call my stylist.

I think it's important to say that as I type this it is a Saturday afternoon and my now healthy baby girl has decided that she no longer knows how to self soothe herself back to sleep. Everytime she cuts a tooth or gets sick THIS happens. She is screaming crying right now after only a 45 minute nap when she usually takes 2 hr. one. She woke up 4 times last night and took an hour to go to sleep the first time and 45 minutes the next... and so on. I tried to take a nap with them (talked Asher into an early nap) but precious isn't allowing that. I've go to stick to the "method", which means it's time to go check in on her. Well, MY method is a bit more humane than others suggested by doctors and little old ladies at the checkout. Does it seem like I'm rambling? Yea, that's how my brain feels right now. I'm sure if I tried to talk I'd sound drunk...hmmmm, drunk sounds good right now. I mean, the husband IS home, he's just putting in a chain link fence in the back yard. I joke, I kidd, no drinking my motherhood sorrows away today. Instead I will pray for better sleep, more patience, a calm 4 yr old, and a self soothing baby. OH YEA!! My reply to the other mom:
"I agree with so many of the other comments! I was about to call our priest for an exorcism!! You only ever hear of 2 yr. old tantrums so you think that you're child is experiencing some kind of emotional issues. I wouldn't dare ask the pediatrician because she would probably just blow me off as another "overly-concerned SAHM". Not even the other moms at our playgroups have talked about it. Why are we as mothers so eager to share the ups but not the downs of bringing up children?My mom recommends "The Strong Willed Child" by Dr. James Dobson, as she said I was one myself...ha, who knew! The book explains that our power hungry 4 yr olds usually do quite well in adulthood and excercise great discipline within themselves...(sighhhh). I'm ordering the book today! If you are a praying mom (as I am) I find it helps to pray before disciplining. My prayer has been for me to not lose my patience and to remain calm as Nette has explained...since this often takes a miracle on my part! To remain emotionless is so hard to do when your beloved tender child has been temporarily replaced with a red faced, screaming, flailing, little ball of anger who says he wants a different mommy. I hate those days and often have a good cry at the end of the day. Nobody tells you it's gonna be this hard...but Nette did so thank you!!! Thank you for tips and the candidness; it's nice to know I'm not alone."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thou shalt rest?

My goals for the day are:
Do dishes
Do 3 loads of laundry, fold it and PUT IT AWAY!
Mop the kitchen floor
Be patient
Make a grocery list (and menu)
Bathe Bella
Work on writing ABC's w/ Asher
Water gardens
Rest my sore knee
Brush my, I forget to do that sometimes ;)
Make homemade teething biscuits
Make peach baby food and freeze
Make dinner
Practice the guitar
Make time for God

As I read over that list two things come to mind: 1. Rest my sore knee? Um, no, not with a list like that. Being diligent is great but right now it has become a sickness for me and now my injury will never heal at this rate. I think it's because I realized that I was becoming idle with my time and now I'm trying to make up for lost time. I mean, I've always been busy and never really lazy (since becoming a mom anyways) but I am starting to realize that I can use my time better -all for serving my family and thus my God better. Okay, 2. Make time for God was the last thing on my list and I didn't do that on purpose, I just typed away as they came to mind. Making time for God should have been the 1st thing on my list and then maybe all of those things would come easier...especially the patience part! So, my frame of mind today will not be the usual "be a diligent wife", it will be "Thou shalt rest"! Gotta go and switch the laundry over...oh, I think I hear the baby waking up, well, if I dont fold it right away then it will wrinkle, Asher has watched enough cartoons this morning, he needs to play, what's the weather gonna be like today...maybe I need to go water the gardens NOW before they burn up...THIS is why I the title of a book comes to mind, "Men Are Like Waffles and Women Are Like Speghetti"....genious theory and oh so true in my case. What I wouldnt give to be able to compartmentalize all of my random thoughts, whims, and tasks....I so love organization. Oh yea, THOU SHALT REST!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Priceless Virtue

"When one finds a valiant wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize. She brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.” (Prov. 31: 10-12) That pretty much sums up my goal in life. It is almost 9am on a Saturday and I am starting a blog. Now, would a virtuous wife be wasting time blogging instead of doing something more productive? Maybe. But I have good intentions...even though I hear they pave the road to hell! It needs to be said that I woke up at 6am, nursed the baby and changed her, fed my 4 yr old, then fed (baby food) the baby, did the dishes, started dinner in the crock pot, cleaned the kitchen, straightened up the living room and bathroom, got a load of laundry together, laid the baby down for nap and made a much needed pot of coffee.

Oh yea, my good intentions: this shall be MY journal, not a myspace blog or a facebook blog where I am concerned with what people think of me, nor is this a blog I intend to share with my husband, mother or sister (which will take a great deal of restraint of my part). This is for me and me only. I need a place to take out my frustration, to record my life, to see my progress and most importantly, a journal to someday share with my children when they're grown. My hope is that my daughter will crave virtue and to be a diligent wife and to accept the will of our Father and not the will of our ever-changing culture. I want her to understand her womanhood through the gift of servitude...yup, I said it, servitude. As for my son, I pray he will want what God has always wanted for all men...a true help mate. The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (Genesis 2:18) Only when we follow God's plan for our lives do we truly realize who we are and why we were even made.